Printer Installation

Which printers have the cheapest ink?

The truth is that none of them have cheap ink. The way that we recommend to reduce the cost of ink, take your cartridges to a store that recycles ink and toner. Those that offer recycleing, sometimes will also offer coupons or discounts on future ink purchases.

What type of printer should I get?

That depends on the type of printing that you do. The two major types of printers are ink jet and laser. Pros and cons for each are listed below.

Ink Jet Printers

Laser Printers

Do I have to connect my printer to my network in order to use it?

No, you do not. However, a printer that is not connected to the network, may be limited on the features that can be performed.

Is a wired or wireless connection better?

The latest wired connection has always been faster than the latest wireless connection. The reason being is that wired connections can send and receive data at the same time. wireless connections have to alternate between sending and receiving data. Thus they are slower.